Friday 14 May 2010

Lets Open Up Our Eyes!

Hi All. Hope you are doing great :)

The reason for creating this blog is to let me think and thereby others think where our society is going wrong. These are only my personal opinion about the way the system is organized and how we the individuals can affect the system, positively and negatively. If you believe i have a point, try your best to change things. I know we may not succeed the first time. Just keep trying, your duty ends there. Your duty? Isnt it the f'king job you do at the office everyday? Well it is but only a part of our responsibility. We are accountable for everything thats leading our society to astray.

Some of my posts might sound offensive, but it is not meant to be. I am just giving my views on a subject. You think something's not right, in the comments say 'f'k you' and be gone or lets start a healthy discussion right here. You got all the rights to do that. Again, I am not trying to preach yet another Goddamn religion out here and have all the people on earth follow my do-it-or-go-to-hell rules. You think i make sense? Then lets all make sense! Thats my motto!!

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